
We provide a wide range of services to businesses in a variety of industries.

Our firm strives to meet each client’s specific needs whether they are improving their current results, improve processes, achieve better reporting and controls, planning for the future or achieving other goals


Accounting Services




Cost Savings Services

  • Reviewing of company’s current purchasing practices, vendors, etc. to achieve significant savings
  • Fee on a contingency basis. No savings = no cost to the client
  • Fee based on firm, measurable and received savings by the company

Tax Planning

  • Reviewing current situation with a goal to minimize taxes and potential contingencies, taking into account, as needed, the country, regional and global operations and tax situation of the company.


Integration and Growth

  • Assisting companies in issues of accounting  and financial
  • Help companies handle growth by transforming their accounting shared service centers into scalable platforms and centers of excellence


Starting Operations 

  • Providing clients starting operations in a new country/region with the key information necessary to comply with local tax, legal and accounting regulations. 
  • Providing support tailor made to the specific client’s need, taking into account the specific country and industry where the operation is starting.